Introdution of red mud
Separation and Washing of Red Mud
Decontaminated disposal
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The invention relates to a process for the disposal of bauxite processing wastes comprising the steps of:

(a) filtering the bauxite muds in suspension coming from the washing decanter,

(b) continuously washing the dehydrated filtration cake on the filter with hot water with recycling of the liquid phase containing the greater part of the soda into the basic chemical process of the bauxite treating plant.

(c) treating the mud cake separated from the filter with sea water to refluidizing the muds and to neutralize the soda residues still present; and

(d) conveying the inert and neutralized mud suspen- sion, mixed with sand residual from bauxite pro- cessing in filling basins; the invention relates also to a containment basin for the exhausted bauxites obtained with the process constituted of several basin units, singularly comprising a trapezoidal cross-sectioned containment structure or embank- ment, elevated above sea level, with inner core of permeable sand, lined with "tout-venant" broken  rocky material, contained on the outside by large dimension boulders, on the upper part of which is placed the distribution piping of the muds, with introduction of these latter in the basin unit in sev-eral different points and provided with a drainagelayer on the base.[1]

[1]   Giuseppe Costa, Rome, Italy, process for the disposal of bauxite process wastes and their containment into filling basins, United States Patent,Feb,18.

Appl. No.: 17,484

Filed: Mar. 5, 1979


A method and an assembly for treating minerals using micro-wave energy are disclosed. The method includes exposing a moving bed, preferably a mixed moving bed, of mineral par-tides to pulsed high energy microwave energy so that at least substantially all particles receive at least some exposure to microwave energy.[2]

[2] Raymond Walter Shaw, Victoria, microwave treatment of minerals, United States Patent Application Publication Shaw,

Pub. No.: US 2009/0013822 Al

Pub. Date:   Jan. 15, 2009

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